What is SBTi?

What are science-based targets?
Science-based targets are a defined way to assess an organisation’s greenhouse gas emissions and allow companies to set targets in order to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Targets are ‘science-based’ when they are in line with the latest climate science and are necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement – limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
These targets are independently verified by a third party.
What are the scopes of GHG emissions?
Scope 1 - The emissions that are produced directly by a company, e.g. heating, company vehicles etc.
Scope 2 - The emissions that a company causes indirectly and come from where the energy it purchases and uses is produced e.g. the emissions caused when generating the electricity that we use in our building.
Scope 3 - The emissions resulting from the use of a company’s products e.g. when a chef uses our refrigeration in their kitchen.